Between Constellations was chosen to be one of three new work pieces presented at Pittsburgh Opera Festival’s Fight for the Right Workshop.
The new work then premiered at the Grimeborn Opera Festival with the Mosiac Opera Showcase that celebrated Black and Asian opera makers in the UK and stories yet to be seen and heard in contemporary Britain.
Between Constellations. 2018
Pittsburgh Festival Opera
Ruth Chan, composer
Zoë Palmer, librettist
Jennifer Farmer, dramatist
Haley Stamats, director
Stephen Variames, conductor
Josiah Bender, lighting
Rachel Wyatt, costumes
Kenneth Church, scenic/properties
Photos by Lindsay Lehman.
Between Constellations. 2018
The Grimeborn Opera Festival
Ruth Chan, composer
Zoë Palmer, librettist
Jennifer Farmer, dramatist
Haley Stamats, director
Sonia Ben-Santamaria, conductor
Daisy On, lighting
Photos by David Monteith-Hodge.